Since I began publishing this blog in mid October of last year, I have gotten a lot of questions about the availability of private or group sessions and workshop/seminars in Cinemorphics. If you are new to Cinemorphics I recommend that you read the Cinemorphics FAQ (click on CINEMORPHICS FAQ link or go to October Archives of blog…Saturday, October 15, 2005 posting.) as well as the entire blog to better understand the rationale behind the approach described below, how the "actor" designation fits in, and what the result for the "actor" is likely to be. In short, we are all "actors" and as Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage…".
In response to this interest in Cinemorphics consulting, I am currently in the process of forming several small "actors coaching" groups (4-8 "actors" each). I am working with small groups rather than individuals because I have found that, much like in a play or ensemble film, this approach creates a dynamic that reinforces and enhances effective character development.
The method that I am using in the beginning stages of group formation relies as much upon the form of the actor-coach interaction as the content. The "sessions" do not occur on a set schedule in a particular place (office, stage, etc.) but, rather, occur in the "real" world (coffee house, park, hotel lobby, etc.) on a variable schedule of "odd" times. These "sessions" can almost feel like cloak and dagger meetings among operatives in a spy movie or a band of international jewel thieves planning their next caper. This procedure results in a "breaking of the mold"…the typical method of arranging a series of appointments at a common location, and a new "re-casting"…acting "out of character" from the very beginning. This primes the pump for the re-writing and re-performing of the personas of the actors (in any given small group) that will follow, as well as creating an atmosphere of real life game-like intrigue…a zone outside of, ordinary, day to day, habituated reality.
If you would like to become a part of one of these groups, email me at Describe your interest and ask questions. I will reply via email and suggest a time and place for a first meeting, if appropriate.