My educational background is first in clinical psychology and then in research psychobiology. (A full bio will be posted later.) After receiving my M.S. and completing Ph.D. coursework, I began to find the prospect of a life in academia confining. I had been using film techniques and a motion picture camera in my research and had really gotten into the medium in its own right by that time. I took the camera home and never really looked back. I was invited to join a newly formed film and TV production company, which I did. This was in the late 60’s. I have been involved in one aspect or another in film and video production ever sense, operating my own company since the late 70s.
That's me on the left on the wall surrounding Xian.
I had dabbled with the idea of using method acting and other cinematic techniques as a way to "re-create" someone in "real" life and deal with individual problems, both psychological and physical, for years…since the early 70s when I took part in an ongoing actors/directors workshop and really began to see the power of cinematic/theatrical manipulation. By the early 90s this approach had gone through quite a gestation period and it was time to use it. On myself.
At this point, although I was still quasi-functional and successful, I was grossly overweight and addicted to alcohol, cocaine and cigarettes. Then a close friend, business associate and big time drinking and coking buddy of mine dropped dead of a heart attack. This woke me up. I decided to re-write and re-direct myself. I checked into hospital to de-tox and walked out a different character. I got a new wardrobe, dropped out of film for awhile and got involved in a restaurant-nightclub project, ate different and "acted" different. I knew I had to do this or die. I was able to write the booze and coke out of my character description…14 years ago…and do the same with cigarettes, which was much harder, a few years later.
My wife, especially, and close friends provided the support group/audience/cheerleader/coach component of the equation which is so important for the success of a major re-write.
The name Cinemorphics is an obvious choice for this approach.