Another email suggested that we have a look at Tulpa creation and the adventures of Alexandra David-Neel in the context of Cinemorphics. I guess the idea is that if you can create a free-acting "being" or "character" using only imaginal means, that you should also be able to create a new persona for yourself which could ride around on your bodily matrix. I realize that we are heading in the direction of Over The Top here, but this is provocative stuff. I quote from
"The word Tulpa is from the Tibetan language and refers to any entity that attains reality solely by the act of imagination. The entity is created entirely within the confines of ones own mind, not drawn out, written down or even verbally described.
Alexandra David-Neel
If its creator wishes, this 'Tulpa Creation' may become physical reality through intense concentration and visualization. However, care must be taken to only bring to reality what is beneficial to the world, lest it's destruction becomes more problematic than its creation". READ MORE
Some groups have also performed EXPERIMENTS in Tulpa creation which are fun to read about.